
I am a mum to two small boys, a fiance to one large man, and a friend, I hope, to many. This Blog is about the joyous and not so joyous parts of being a 'wife', mother, lover. I hope to open the eyes of other Superwomen to the fact that to be superwoman you don't have to get it right all the time, you don't have to be a domestic goddess, corporate wonderwoman, perfect parent all rolled into one. Im certainly not. Come in, sit down, have a cuppa this is my life, warts and all.

Saturday, 9 November 2013


Confession1. I'm kinda rubbish at this whole blog thing, I mean 2 a bit years between posts, seriously, who's going to stick around to read that? But I've been thinking about getting back to it for awhile now and 1 week on from my 28th birthday seemed as good a time as any. A lot has happened in the last 2 and a bit years...obviously.

Confession 2. I caved on my whole 'I am woman here me roar I will be an educated SAHM and everyone else can go to hell' vibe and I went back to work full time.

Confession 3. I love being back at work full time, in that time I have been promoted twice and started studying again and no matter how hard I try I don't feel that guilty about it... I'm quite possibly a terrible mother. Going to back to work started off being a financial decision, Big Daddy was hugely unhappy in his job due to having a complete knob head as a boss and it was more financially viable for me to go back and climb the ladder than have him trawling for cooking jobs that barely paid minimum wage.
Big Daddy spent around 18 months as a stay at home dad and loved it (and yes he got worse with the whole nazi cleaning attitude before he got better). He's now working as a youth worker at the same place as me except Im now in a management position, that has been an interesting minefield to navigate let me tell you, but thats a story for another day.

Confession 4. This is the big one. I. Got. Fat..... not just a little bit chubby no no no that I could handle. I got fat enough for the Mighty Midget (who's now 4 yrs old!) to say to me one morning while I was getting dressed 'Mummy you've got a tummy like the big losers'...wow thanks kid.
I got fat enough that my 'Biggest loser' tummy started making an interesting slapping noise against my thunder thighs during certain aerobic activities.(Seriously if you're going to read this blog you'd wanna get use to TMI moments).
I got fat enough to have a ghetto booty, but not in a good 'yeah she squats' kinda way but more a 'why do thinks keep getting knocked off desks and shelves when I turn around' kinda way.
No one seems to believe me when I talk about this, no body seems to think I'm any bigger than a size 14, trust me, I am.

Confession 5. I care more about the fact that I'm fat than anything else at the moment, pathetic right? whatever.
I'm more 'gets voted out in the first week' rather than 'makes it to the Biggest loser finals' but still its big enough for me.

I realised how fat I'd gotten several months ago but couldn't maintain the motivation to do something about it. I was that tragically irritating fat girl that complained about being fat all the while stuffing her face with cake. Any healthy eating plan would last no longer than 2-3 days tops.

Confession 6. (last one I promise) I'm now one of those irritating 'I'm intolerant' types who claims food intolerances without ever having being tested. However I have it on good authority that its highly likely that I am actually lactose intolerant, sensitive to heavy wheat based products and extremely sensitive to high levels of sugar.
How do I know this? Well after having stomach cramps on and off for the last 6 months, regularly having severe headaches that would last several days and just generally feeling shit someone suggested I keep a food journal, so I did.
Heres what I found. When I drink milk and eat cream I have wicked stomach cramps anywhere from 2-12 hrs later that can last half a day or more I usually also get the runs.
When I eat bread, weet bix etc I get cramps, headaches and get blocked up.
When I eat a lot of sugar I get headaches that last 2-4 days and don't go away when I take nurofen.
All of this has made it incredibly easy for me to completely change my attitude to food and retrain my tastebuds to eating 90-95% completely clean unprocessed simple whole foods and I.FEEL.AMAZING.

So in the interest of keeping myself on track some of my posts will probably be about my progress, I'm tracking my progress through photos and how my clothes fit. I'm so ashamed by my week 1 photo though that I won't be sharing that until I've got a really banging progress photo to put up next to it.

Other than my posts will be my usual working mum style ramblings and updates on my almost (but not really) grown up children.
 Peace out.

P.s I'm 2.5 weeks in and totally don't get that belly slapping noise anymore :p

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