
I am a mum to two small boys, a fiance to one large man, and a friend, I hope, to many. This Blog is about the joyous and not so joyous parts of being a 'wife', mother, lover. I hope to open the eyes of other Superwomen to the fact that to be superwoman you don't have to get it right all the time, you don't have to be a domestic goddess, corporate wonderwoman, perfect parent all rolled into one. Im certainly not. Come in, sit down, have a cuppa this is my life, warts and all.

Monday, 2 May 2011

Bibs and bobs

Ok so a quick (who am I kidding it's never quick) update on everything. Chunky Monkey (14 wk old) is still slowly recovering, cough is still hanging around and is waking him up at night a bit and he's still quite clingy but he's easily resettled so that's a bonus. The cough will probably stick around for at least a few weeks. Im going to try to introduce a blankie toy to help him self settle a bit more when he wakes up at night because often his only feeding for a minute or two then falling back asleep.
The mighty midget is still being difficult with his food but we're getting there slowly. The first day he completely refused his lunch and then when he was given the vegie bake for dinner he picked all of the pasta and cheese out of it and left the vegies. When he asked for his bottle that night he was told no and this didnt seem to bother him, he asked a few times but there were no tantrums. The following 3 days have been a mixed bag but with none of the tantrums that we've been expecting. Then last night we had roast pork mash and steamed vegies, he ate most of his pork, none of the mash and a few pieces of carrot and a couple of peas, which is a start, I think we need to start putting a bit less meat on his plate. Anyway it got close to bed time and he asked for his bottle, we told him no bottle but he could have his milk in one of his cups or drink bottles, as he had done a few nights ago. Well all hell broke loose, what followed was 20 minutes of the most dramatic tantrum throwing I have ever seen!! He threw himself to the floor kicking and screaming 'No Cup, Bottle' or just long drawn out 'Noooooooooooooo' he rolled around, he smacked daddy he headbutted the carpet he kicked at the walls, he literally screamed himself horse and caused himself to choke and gag, it was so distressing and frustrating but we perservered in ignoring it. Finally he realised he wasnt going to win this way so when he finally stopped screaming and just stood there looking at daddy, daddy asked him over for a cuddle and handed him his milk. He snuggled with daddy, then snuggled with me and calmly quietly drank his milk then went to bed as normal. Unbelievable, hopefully we won't have to go through another one of those now that he knows it won't work.
Any way thats about it for today, boring I know, I'll come back with something deeper next time but right now I'm going to camp on the lounge for a nanna nap while the mighty midge is at day care and chunky monkey is sleeping. xox

1 comment:

  1. Keep on going! I found your blog on your Mum's facebook (old school friend) and thought you might like to find fellow mum bloggers. There's lots of support, advice, comps, tips and a bit of a laugh when you need it (you can also follow me if you like - www.beccibird.blogspot.com, though its been almost 9 yrs since I had to look after a baby! don't worry, it gets easier :) - in some ways....

    Have a look at http://aussiemummybloggers.com/ and some great aussie mum bloggers are:
