
I am a mum to two small boys, a fiance to one large man, and a friend, I hope, to many. This Blog is about the joyous and not so joyous parts of being a 'wife', mother, lover. I hope to open the eyes of other Superwomen to the fact that to be superwoman you don't have to get it right all the time, you don't have to be a domestic goddess, corporate wonderwoman, perfect parent all rolled into one. Im certainly not. Come in, sit down, have a cuppa this is my life, warts and all.

Monday, 9 May 2011

Shout out to the man I love

I have to say I am a very lucky lady. I’ve read a lot of things recently from women who’s husbands are less than supportive and helpful. I also see lots of couples who simply don’t seem happy, they seem unable to communicate effectively they hold grudges over issues past, they’re critical and petty towards each other. I often watch these couples and wonder what it is that actually holds them together. I hear stories of men who demand that the house be clean and dinner on the table every evening when they get home from work despite the fact that ‘wifey’ has three kids under 5 to deal with every day. I wonder if these children get much playtime or cuddles.

I’m lucky because I have a rare man and I love him to the ends of the earth, I wonder how many women can honestly say that? My man is a real man for so many reasons and not all the obvious ones. Sure he has his faults, he has a less than savoury past in some aspects, he’s over weight, he can be a bit of a grouch and he’s addicted to electronic games. But we have recently entered a new, more mature and wonderful phase in our relationship. This phase has come around primarily due to changes that Big Daddy has made to his lifestyle, by his own choice. In the last 3 months he has quit smoking, drinking and gambling (he didn’t have a particular problem with the latter 2 just decided life was better without them), he has began pursuing a new business venture that has the potential to be super successful and he has made the decision to start losing weight. This seems like a lot to take on all at once, I can barely wrap my head around the idea of losing weight let alone the rest. You would think that he would be extremely stressed and grouchy with all of this added pressure but in fact he has been quite the opposite. I thought he was involved and helpful before but now he is like this superwomans superman.

On a typical day he gets up with our mighty midget at around 7am, gives him his breakfast and medication, brushes his teeth and plays with him downstairs while I feed the Chunky Monkey upstairs and have a sleep in. When I make it downstairs he usually heads to the cafe down the street to get me a coffee before coming home to get ready for work. He goes to work as a cook for the 4 hour lunch shift, then has snuggles with his boys or we go to the park, then he usually cooks us dinner and after dinner he hops in the shower with both the kids, then he puts the mighty midge to bed and reads him his stories while I feed the chunky monkey for the hundredth time that day.

He never complains if the house isn’t tidy or if I’m still in my pj’s or haven’t shaved my legs for a month. He rarely even complains that our intimate life is a little barren at times ( not non-existant just a little slower than it used to be). He constantly tells me that I’m beautiful even though Im a good 20-30 kgs heavier than when we met and he kisses and cuddles me every day without it being a preamble to anything else.

Sure there are things that infuriate me at times but how could I ever stay resentful or angry when he is a million shades of wonderful 98% of the time. I am totally myself with him and he supports me in everything I do and he’s not afraid of his own emotions.

I don’t want to sound smug but there’s no other point to this post other than to brag about how lucky I am. I promised I would post something positive and when I sat down and thought about all the good things in my life I began to realise how blessed I am.

I would love to hear from any other ladies who feel this way about their men, feel free to post in my comments. And for those ladies who read this who have had bad luck with men don’t lose hope , there really are some great ones out there I promise.

I should probably stop now because I’m serious when I say I don’t want to sound smug, I just hope Big Daddy realises how loved and appreciated he is, in fact I might hop off the computer now and go tell him.

Thanks for reading xoxo

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